Unclaimed America the Beautiful Quarter Lots


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  • Regular price $49.00
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A number of America the Beautiful™ State Quarters in our vault are unclaimed by a small percentage of our customers. These State Quarters are all brilliant, uncirculated and have been sealed in our exclusive protective coin capsules.

All of the unclaimed America the Beautiful™ State Quarters have been separated into lots of 30 quarters. Each lot includes two uncirculated Quarter Dollar coins from each of the America the Beautiful™ designs released from 2010-2012, one coin from the Philadelphia Mint and one from the Denver Mint.

No matter what their uncirculated value, the State Quarters are FREE. All you need to do to claim them is cover the price of the protective capsules and sealing fee, which is regularly only $2.35 each.

These protective coin capsules are crucial to maintaining the highest possible value of these uncirculated America the Beautiful™ State Quarters. All of these State Quarters have been sealed by our specially-trained workers who wear white cotton gloves to insert the uncirculated America the Beautiful™ State Quarters into the protective coin capsules.

Each Quarter lot has 30 America the Beautiful™ State Quarters, all of which are guaranteed to be in uncirculated, brilliant condition and sealed in our protective capsules. Each year of 10 America the Beautiful™ State Quarters comes to $23.50 plus $5.75 shipping and handling. Right now, you will save 44% off the $87.75 price and get the lots for only $49 plus shipping and handling.

The Uncirculated Lots include the following Quarters:

Hot Springs National Park
Yellowstone National Park
Yosemite National Park
Grand Canyon National Park
Mount Hood National Forest

Gettysburg National Military Park
Glacier National Park
Olympic National Park
Vicksburg National Military Park
Chickasaw National Recreation Area

El Yunque National Forest
Chaco Culture Historical Park
Acadia National Park
Hawai’i Volcanoes National Park
Denali National Park

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